Crisis? Communicate!

Clear, strategic communication has always been the magic ingredient that promotes strong program implementation, good working relationships, and effective nonprofit management. But when a crisis crashes in and disrupts any notion of business-as-usual, the imperative for communication escalates at the same trajectory as the disruption. Don’t go quiet with panic or let the huge details of change management side-line communications.

Angela Richardson

  • 20+ years nonprofit program & fund developer, strategic planner, organizational coach
  • Leader of community-based organizations across U.S and at Brown University, Reviewer for U.S. Dept of Education
  • Focus: education and the arts

Community Engagement Boosts Grant Success

Some nonprofits always seem to be in the right place at the right time, standing shoulder to shoulder with other community organizations and reeling in grant awards one after another. What’s the story? Why are these nonprofits the darlings of every get-things-done project of every local school, community group, and municipal agency? When you see a nonprofit partnering intensely and successfully, you’re looking at an organization that values and cultivates community engagement.
